Welcome to the Quill and Tankard, a site about analyzing popular TV shows and films through the lens of creative writing fundamentals.
Here we aren’t concerned with what we liked or didn’t like. This is a site about what’s working or not working in TV and film writing; it’s about why we like some things and don’t like others. It turns out it’s not purely subjective, and there’s a lot of very interesting creative writing mechanics at play. This site is about looking at those mechanics to better understand why some things succeed and other struggle or fail.
I’ve been teaching academic writing as an adjunct at a university for the last five years, before which I got a Master of Fine Arts in fiction writing. …Which is to say, if I was a more talented fiction writer I’d be doing something a lot more meaningful and better paying than adjuncting right now, so don’t act like anyone here is claiming to be an expert.
I know some about writing — enough to take the ideas of the real experts and apply them to other people’s work.
You can contact me at noone (at) quillandtankard.com.